Call for contributions for the MMC Auditorium hall
We are announcing the development of Auditorium hall in New Academic Building of MMC. Click to take a walk through and see how you can help!
MMC alumni association congratulates the newly appointed Dean.

स्व. डा. रमेश बिक्रम सिंह प्रति हार्दिक श्रद्धाञ्जली
स्व. डा. शशी सिग्देल प्रति हार्दिक श्रद्धाञ्जली
Updates about assistance for Dr. Ramesh Bikram Singh
As per our previous notice, financial assistance has been collected in our official bank account and has been handed over to Dr. Ramesh Bikram Singh, a MMC alumnus of MBBS 11th batch. Dr. Singh is currently undergoing treatment for renal failure at nephrology ward of TU teaching hospital, Maharajgunj. With his due permission, we are …
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Dashain get together and General Assembly 2081
The second alumni meet was held on 2081 Asoj 18. The event involved exciting participation and enthusiasm, as the last year. Some photos of the event are shown below.
Request for assistance for Dr Ramesh Bikram Singh
Dr. Ramesh Bikram Singh, a MMC alumnus of MBBS 11th batch, is currently undergoing treatment for renal failure at nephrology ward of TU teaching hospital, Maharajgunj. With his due permission, we have setup this page for funding his treatment. We appeal all alumni to extend their support. Financial support is being collected in the official …
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